From Sidekick to Hero: How ‘James’ Finally Fixes Huckleberry Finn’s Black Problem
Growing up, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was required reading in my high school English class. Like many of you, I struggled with the…
Growing up, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was required reading in my high school English class. Like many of you, I struggled with the…
After 17 years in Austin, I’ve concluded too many sleep on the power of Black Austin.
Racismo en Mexico is a campaign to eliminate racism in Mexico by showing its deep roots and common occurrence.
Many of us remember where we were, who we were with, and how we felt on the remarkable day when Barack Obama won the election to become President of the United States. Although others cried out and obstinately declared they would leave the country in protest, fair-minded individuals regardless of who they voted for confidently acknowledged the noteworthy event.