So when I first heard all the earlier hype about Black Panther, I SERIOUSLY thought it was gonna be a movie about the Black Panther Party (yep). I was like, ‘why is everybody so hype about a movie about the Black Panthers…didn’t we have Panther in the 90s’? Then, once I heard it was about the superhero, I was even LESS INTERESTED in it. But I realized I needed to support it so I envisioned sipping cocktails (didn’t) and sleeping during it but at least helping the numbers.
Bay BAY – I was so wrong! That movie is EVERYTHING.
Bay BAY – I was so wrong! That movie is EVERYTHING – great cinematography, great imagery, great costumes, great acting, great action scenes. Visually the movie was just stunning AND all the hidden themes and political statements were well placed and made you think (or at least consider). Of course, the all Black cast and everything about Wakanda made me proud.
If you are like me and don’t really care to see a superhero movie, please step outside of your comfort zone. You won’t be disappointed. This movie is WOKE.
And uh, apparently, so is this Rolling Stone Cover….ol’ lusty spirit of Satan I rebuke thee! #BlackPanther #RollingStone#ISeeWhatTheyDidThere #ThoseBlackLeatherPantsThough #Woke