Austin rising star Mobley graced the outside stage at Mohawk on Jan. 6 and mustered the strength to brave the bitter cold and to bring folks – eventually, from inside – and suffer the weather with him.
Mobley’s show was part of FREE WEEK, featuring local hometown heroes, Magna Carda. For those unfamiliar, every first week of the new year bars/venues downtown present live talent, both local and from abroad, at no cost. That’s. Free. It’s a special time of year where it truly is just about the music.
With a setup this meticulous and varied, you already know what’s going down. Did I mention he sings?
In past performances, Mobley has had screens with images, a synthesized keyboard setup, lights triggered by the midi signals from the production signals, a USB MPD outfitted with a wireless transmitter so he can move around, and a Tom Tom a drum set. This time, there were no screens in the setup but he added a snare, three more toms, and a guitar. With a setup this meticulous and varied, you already know what’s going down. Did I mention he sings?
Mobley moved like clockwork. From the set list order and production, to the in between banter and crowd control, the presentation is pristine. He performed many songs from his newest release, Some Other Country, to the satisfaction of all I attendance.
I wholeheartedly suggest checking it and his previous material out when you have the chance.