Lawd it took me ALL day to get to this story! I blame the Republicans – they don’t want my Black arse to have nothing including a working computer and time during the day to throw shade and gossip.
Anyway, I heard it first from my Jackson peeps but needed time to investigate the situation. Looks like R Kelly was seeing a Jackson, MS deputy’s wife and had her out there bad, but the deputy married ol’ girl anyway (she must have that thang, but I digress) because wifey told him the affair was over.
However, R Kelly had a concert in Jackson a few years later and called ol’ girl and told her there wasn’t nothin’ wrong with a lil bump and grind and they rekindled things. Then his wife started going out of town to R Kelly concerts like she was the one on tour (R Kelly must got that thang but I don’t care because he is a child rapist – just thought I’d put that in there). Said that lady was having all kindsa of 12 Play with R Kelly out there on the road.
Then said lady talked her deputy husband into moving talmbout furtherin’ her career but didn’t have nare job. And the deputy’s dumb arse moved (he might not need to be in law enforcement because his discernment skills ain’t up to par). Then wifey contracted chlamydia and had to come clean. Well there really is no coming clean behind that nastiness unless shots and antibiotics are involved. I don’t know bout this lawsuit Bruh. It makes you look less than smart. Let R Kelly have your wife. Once she is of age, he won’t want her anymore anyway. I do need to see how old this lady was cuz we know R Kelly likes them underage. Chile #RKelly 犀利士
href=”″ data-ft=”{"tn":"*N","type":104}”>#SeemsLikeSheWasReady #MaybeSheRemindedHimofHisJeep #SheGotThatNastyWomansDisease