Lawd JESUS! I JUST got in the Beyhive like yesterday and already…on the heels of our Queen of ERRYTHANE that is holy, just and slayable releasin’ Lemonade (and with it a right smart of tea), here come somebody throwin’ shade and underhanded digs. I’m confused though cuz I thought this designer chick was married to Damon Dash…so why would you even be out here in these streets ridin’ hard for or on Jay Z? I’m also tryna figga out WHERE she been? Don’t she know you cain’t come for Queen Bey by bus, train, Instagram OR Twitter?
…all she had to do was not say NOTHING, and call her good girlfriend that already knows the scoop and giggle bout it if she just had to do/say something.
She hinted that she is the “Becky” Beyonce was talmbout in her new song “Sorry” on social media, which was so not smart. Cuz that Beyhive done got a hold of all her Innanet accounts, home phone number and where her mama live. Even worse, they done came for her CHILE. Bay Bay they done stung her and her fam’ly all across the face, head AND chest! When all she had to do was not say NOTHING, and call her good girlfriend that already knows the scoop and giggle bout it if she just had to do/say something.
Now that thane talmbout being bullied. I’m like she musta been livin’ up under a rock. You DO NOT COME FOR BEYONCE especially after you done allegedly dry grinded with her husband and especially after she done made her fans wait months for this new release. Rachel Roy might need to move. I got a pair of Rachel Roy shoes…I think I need to burn them sheeits before this goes any further. I’m still monitoring this thane as the story breaks, but if anybody knows Rachel Roy tell her to set all her accounts to private…matta fact delete them, MOVE, and get an assumed name. Put all yo’ stuff in your mama name. Cuz Bay Bay..the wrath of one million bees bout to swarm over your dusty arse.
#Beyonce #Lemonade #SomebodycheckonRachel #Cuzthisaintgonbegood #JayZ #WhereSolange #IHopeNotInAnElevatorWithJayZ
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