Ready to do “all the things”: Natasha Harper Madison Runs for City Council

Natasha Harper Madison’s campaign theme is Innovative, Capable, Collaborative Leadership. With these traits, this former “trash bag kid” is ready to not only prove that she has broken the cycle of poverty, but is using her voice to make a real difference in Austin. Madison is a candidate for the East Austin District 1 City Council seat.

Madison is running to replace incumbent Ora Houston who has chosen not to seek reelection. Other Place 1 candidates are Lewis Conway, the first formerly incarcerated person in Texas to run for pubic office; former Black Austin Democrats President Vincent Harding and homeless advocate Mariana Salazar.

Madison spoke with soulciti and thoughtfully addressed each component of her campaign theme and how they fit into her desire to “ do all the things”.  From addressing predatory lenders, working for equitable housing and healthcare, increasing representation in politics, fighting poverty and more, Madison said she is ready to fight.

The District 1 candidate insists that innovation is required to address system inequity in a more robust way. “Currently, [Austin is] not getting thoughtful, future-forward thinking, literally and in terms of human development.”

I am super resourceful.

Her capability is rooted in her actual experience with intergeneration poverty. As a young woman, emancipated at the age of 16, she can relate to the reality of having to think outside of the box to solve problems. She looks forward to citizens discovering that “I am super resourceful.”

The collaboration that Madison plans to pursue is not limited to simply meeting with diverse people. She aims to “implement a form of reverse engineering where root analysis brings people together despite areas in which they may disagree. The key is finding people with whom our missions are aligned and doing the work together.”

Leadership is the strength Madison displayed when she founded East Austin Advocates. The mission of the grassroots organization was to “open people’s eyes to how much policy was being created without adequate representation.” She expressed particular concern that there is no policy requiring that new businesses be more considerate of the existing communities where they establish themselves.

Through her 2016 “Take 5 to Vote” initiative, mentors helped explain the importance of ballot issues to voters before upcoming elections.

Follow Natasha Harper Madison on social media to keep up with her upcoming meet-and-greet and fundraising events. 


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