Afrodesiac Speed Dating Becoming A Thing In Austin

Austin dating service, OnSpeedDating.Com in partnership with soulciti hosted an Afrodesiac Speed Dating event at Water2Wine for women that love Black men on Wednesday, October 11th 2017.

Kathleen Smith (40), an Austin entrepreneur, was one of the first single women to request that OnSpeedDating add an Afrodesiac speed dating event to their constantly-growing portfolio of themed Austin singles events. “I sent an email three months ago,” says Smith. “Austin doesn’t have many events catering to our demographic and I am happy to see it’s finally happening.”

Wednesday’s night’s event quickly reached its goal registration of 12 men and 12 women ranging in age from 32 to 51.Water2Wine, a South Austin mainstay, featured cascading two-and four-top tables and romantic lighting. Each table was adorned with a number, dating pamphlets, and pencils.

First-time speed dater and recent New Mexico transplant Thomas Holmes, (24), heard about OnSpeedDating’s multitude of theme-specific events through their guest appearance on Howard Stern. “I was so excited to hear that OnSpeedDating was finally offering events in Austin. There are so many gorgeous women here tonight, I am really psyched.”

The evening started off with singles checking in with their event hosts around thirty minutes prior to the event start. Informal mingling over wine specials gave the men and women an initial opportunity to break the ice.

The speed dating began at 7:30pm once all of the single men and women had been seated in pairs. The ring of the bell signaled each couple to begin their three-minute “date”. Many were relaxed, a few were nervous, but conversation and wine flowed all night and smiles were contagious. With every ring of the bell, the men would rotate to the next table until they had the chance to meet all 12 women in attendance.

“I definitely connected with some women tonight,” says Austin Financier Thomas Jones, (33). “I’d say there were at least 4 women that I would be interested in seeing again.”

OnSpeedDating Co-Founder, Amber Soletti summarized the success of the evening by stating, “Based on the turn-out, energy and connections we saw tonight, I foresee Afrodesiac Speed Dating becoming one of our more popular Austin themed events.”

To guarantee a spot at OnSpeedDating.Com’s next Afrodesiac speed dating event, register for the event waitlist at OnSpeedDating.Com.


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