Here’s the premise: Ana (Camila Mendes) is an ambitious intern dreaming of a career in the art world while trying to impress her demanding boss Claire (Marisa Tomei). When she’s upgraded to first class on a work trip, she meets handsome Will (Archie Renaux), who mistakes Ana for her boss– a white lie that sets off a glamorous chain of events, romance and opportunity, until her fib threatens to surface.
I absolutely love rom-coms, When Harry met Sally is my favorites so I tend to measure them all against WHMS. While Upgraded is good, it just falls a little short. While the acting is decent for the most part, the story is just not that original and it was very predictable. I would have liked some sort of surprise but it was full of cliches that just about anyone would recognize and even an NFL ref could have called them all correctly. Does that mean I did not enjoy it? No, it doesn’t, I did enjoy it for what it was and I am a sucker for a romance story, so I enjoyed it despite the flaws.
All the actors did a good job, although I thought the two assistants from the art gallery were too much, it was like the two evil stepsisters from Cinderella stepped into the real world. I believe they could have been toned down a smidge, but same with Tomei’s character, although towards the mid part of the film you see that happen.
This would be a perfect movie to watch on Valentine’s Day, and since it’s streaming on Prime video, no one will complain about the couple smooching during the movie.
Russell Lockhart